Wagon News September 2021

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The People That You Meet...

By Amy Smith

For those of us who grew up watching Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, many remember Fred Rogers as a kind, loving man who offered children a calm and stable presence tackling life’s weightiest issues in a simple and direct way. Mister Rogers didn’t call us “acquaintances” or “friends.” He didn’t call us “boys and girls” or “ladies and gentlemen.” He called us “neighbors.”

Whether you are a child or an adult, moving to a new neighborhood can be exciting—but also stressful. Selling, buying, planning, packing, unpacking, finding new doctors, dentists, schools, banks and grocery stores are just a few of what can be very daunting tasks. Something that can help make it all worth while is having a kind and understanding neighbor who makes an effort to introduce themselves and say: “Welcome to the neighborhood!”

Many of us have had the opportunity to welcome a new neighbor. The easiest way into your new neighbor’s heart is through showing you care, which can be done in more than one way. A welcome-to-the-neighborhood gift will brighten the newcomer’s day and ease the hassle of settling in. Typically, gifts are homey and inexpensive, for example, a plate of cookies, a bouquet of garden flowers, a bottle of wine, or even a free gym pass. But does buying a new home really merit a bottle of wine? How about a new air purifier? All that dust from moving in can really build up. Or what about matching food and water bowls for the dogs? Or cats? Lastly, a new diffuser is almost always a winner. After all, there’s nothing like a beach house scent for a new home. If money’s tight, dropping off a neighborhood directory with a nice card, wrapping up some of your favorite take-out menus, or bringing over fresh flowers of herbs from your garden are always sure to please.

Needless to say, being hospitable to newcomers is a time-honored American tradition. Personally, I don’t think it will ever go out of style. Even Sesame Street has it right with the famous lyrics from the song “The People in Your Neighborhood.” After all, according to The Muppets, your neighbors are “the people that you meet when you’re walkin’ down the street, they’re the people that you meet each day!” (The Muppets, n.d.).

NEW SEGMENT: Good Works in the Community

This is part of a new series called Good Works in the Community. Our hope is to inspire donating your time and serving in local communities and abroad.


Last month one of our employees shared that she volunteered with her sister at an event in Jacksonville, FL with a wonderful organization, called Florida Mission of Mercy. Florida Mission of Mercy (FLA-MOM) is a large-scale, two-day, professional dental clinic that provides care to any patient at no cost to them, with the goal of serving the under-served and uninsured in Florida — those who would otherwise go without care.


Jennifer & Melissa shared, “We are honored to have been a part of this event, helping several hundred people. Everyone was so grateful to have all the volunteers there to help them. Some even seeing a Dentist for the first time in their life!”


Special shout out to Dea Family Dentistry (Boynton Beach, FL) for the invite.


Feel free to email us your Good Works in the Community and we will promote you, the organization, and the community. Send an email to Jennifer.troyan@welcomewagon.com and put “Good Works” in the subject line.

Fun Cartoon for You

By Jennifer Troyan

Speaking of neighbors, enjoy this fun cartoon. Did you ever have a neighbor like that? I remember there was a house or two who knew everything going on in the neighborhood and this cartoon reminds me of that.

Call to Action

By Philip Salvagni

Effective advertising is made up of various elements and today we will focus on the Call to Action (CTA)!


The CTA is the part of the advertisement that tells a target audience what they should be doing once they view your ad. An ad has limited space, so the CTA has to be short and concise. The simplest example of a call to action is “Buy now!”


The idea is to provoke emotion or enthusiasm and give the audience a reason why they should take the desired action.


A simple way to do that is to add a benefit to the end of the CTA, for example “Buy now and get 50% off!” We can take this offer even further by utilizing FOMO (fear of missing out), giving the audience some emotions, for example, “Buy now and get 50% off! Shop today! Sale ends tomorrow!”


Crafting a proper Call to Action is an important part of any successful advertising campaign and if done correctly, the ad will generate a response from the target audience.


That concludes our detailed look at the six elements of a successful ad. Happy advertising!


This is the final article of the Design series, part 6 of 6.

Business Spotlight

This month we are featuring a great company called National HomeCraft and they are in The Villages/Ocala area in Florida. National HomeCraft has been in business since the 90s. Two years ago the added a division called Luxury Bath which specializes in bath remodeling.

We spoke with Nuncy Spayne, Event Coordinator who shared this wonderful story with us from one of the owners. It goes like this: Frank McKinney’s 83-year-old Aunt Reba asked him how he could help her with her 20-year-old tub and her concern regarding safety. Frank researched best product and came across Luxury Bath. They installed it for her, and this made all the difference.

They are family-owned and operated and that’s how they treat their customers. They believe in safety first as well as a great product. This is very useful for anyone, especially so for retirees and elderly people to help them stay in their homes plus they are very easy to clean!

Luxury Bath was born from a family need, and they treat all their customers like Aunt Reba. This is something we can get behind!

Nuncy went on to say she is very familiar with Welcome Wagon, having worked with us through another association. She built her home in 1999 and the first people to show up was Welcome Wagon. Years later, she moved to Ocala and received a Gift Book. She said, “The whole ‘welcome to the neighborhood’ feeling only came from Welcome Wagon and you are continuing that through print and digital. Working with Welcome Wagon is essential for us to maintain a local community presence. It’s like extending an olive branch to people we haven’t met yet.”

Visit www.NationalHomeCraft.com

Make a Referral and be

Refer a business to Welcome Wagon and be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card

Email: hello@welcomewagon.com and put “Referral” in the subject line and tell us who you are referring and you will be entered to win the gift card.
