Wagon News October 2022

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Who is your target audience?

Image courtesy of rawpixel

By Jennifer Troyan

You can reach a wide range of diverse people by targeting new movers and also reaching out to established residents in your local areas. You can also do this on a regional or national basis.

The Porch 2021 New Mover Trends Report, conducted by Porch’s business V12 with research performed by the Harris Group, delves into the profile of today’s modern movers and their purchase behaviors. “According to U.S. Census data, almost 30 million people moved in 2020, and this trend seems to be continuing, with 2021 marking a year for a massive influx of first-time home buyers.” We have seen this trend continue into 2022.


The report cites that upsizing to a bigger home is the top reason for moving. This group of people need more items for their home and will need more services as well. People are growing their families and it is essential they learn about your company first.

What message are you using when you are letting people know about your businesses and how they can use your service?


It is important to know who your target audience is. You can do a postcard mailing to reach a specific group of people. You may want to target items such as home value, household income, age ranges, gender, marital status, children in the home, or even pets. You can target people by purchasing behaviors as well. People respond the best to deals and savings offered by companies who reach out to them first.


You can create trust and loyalty with your brand because consumers want personalized messaging, so consider targeting a specific audience and cater your message to them. The research shows, 90% of movers say they would try a new brand or company for any item and 88% say they would try a new provider for any service.


We can help you with your marketing needs and do hassle-free targeted mailings. We do it all for you and offer a high-quality piece that is priced right for you.


The holidays are coming and perhaps you have some seasonal specials you want to let people know about – this is the perfect time to start the process.


We can do a mailing for you to reach past and present clients. There is great value in reaching out to your existing client base as well. You may have some new products and services they may not know about so get in front of them at this important point in time. Add to your client base and enhance your existing client’s services. NOW is the best time.


Of course, reaching new movers, in general, is always the perfect audience to reach. We have programs to help with that too.


Opportunities abound!

Best CRM Solutions for Small Businesses


Do we have any YouTube stars in our midst? Whatever you do, we wish you the best!

Cartoon courtesy of Breakthrough Visuals.

Good Works in the Community

“Where Hoofbeats Are ​Our Heartbeats” 


Banditas Wild Horse Promise Group is a 501c3 organization in Colorado that helps rescue wild mustang horses. This organization came to our attention because one of our employees, Nancy shared that she is a strong supporter so now we are too! We just had to tell you about what they are doing. Nancy said she loves them “because of their dedication, and they are people that care. Most importantly, they care about the horses being free.”

Banditas went to the Sand Wash Basin in CO for months. They photographed the horses. Due to the development of the area, the horses get rounded up and end up being kept in pens that are crowded and it is traumatic for them. Remember, these were animals that were roaming free. Of course, they are terrified in the process.  The people at Banditas (we’ll call them angels) do everything they can to help these horses. The sweetest part, they try to keep the family bonds together, even if they are just pairs (couple and/or friends) and if they can’t keep them as a family unit, then they create new families for the horses to be together.

There have been over 600 wild horses removed from the Sand Wash Basin and surrounding areas and a majority of them are still in holding pens. They made a promise to the horses that they would do their best to help. We want to help spread the word and are asking you too as well. They work towards finding homes for potential horses where they can roam free (people can offer space allowing them to roam on their lands).

They are hosting an auction called Bring More Horses Home from Oct 24th – 31st, over 250 geldings will be offered up.

There are other ways you can help: Banditas can use funds, space for the horses, members to help with the horses and 100% of proceeds go to feed, care, maintenance, and more. They have some cool merch as well. As their motto says: Still Wild – Still Free.

Visit: http://www.banditaswildhorsepromise.com

Business Spotlight

This month we are happy to have Bettervet® Mobile Vet Care in our Business Spotlight. BetterVet® was founded two years ago in Boston, Massachusetts by Bruce Herzfelder, Carolina Goncebat, and Dr. John de Jong, Treasurer of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association, President-Elect of the World Veterinary Association, and former President of the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association). Dr. de Jong and his partners anticipated the need for a revolutionary vet care model – one that delivers veterinary services to pets in the comfort of their own homes. 


Most pet parents know what a struggle it can be to visit the vet. Pets are susceptible to stress and anxiety which can exacerbate the reasons why they are visiting the vet. Common issues with getting pets to the vet include wrestling them into their carriers and into the car, and they may become fearful around new places and animals, especially rescue pets. At BetterVet®, they believe there is a better way to provide high-quality veterinary care. Their mobile veterinary team travels to pets’ homes, keeping them calmer and more comfortable. All BetterVet® veterinarians are licensed and Fear Free® certified. They are able to perform wellness and sick exams, as well as provide vaccinations, heartworm, flea/tick treatments, blood tests, and more – all without the need for pets to leave their homes. 


Local BetterVet® teams also provide services such as orthopedic care, ultrasounds, microchipping, pain management, and allergy diagnosis and treatment. Appointments can be scheduled online or through their convenient app. Once you sign up, your first video consultation is complimentary or you can also choose to book a home visit instead.


Also launching this month is the BetterVet® Wellness Club, which helps pet parents keep vet care costs simple and predictable. BetterVet® Wellness Club has three different membership plans (Family, Premium, and Elite) to keep your pet on track with preventative vet care on a regular and affordable schedule each month.

BetterVet® currently has services in Austin, Houston, Dallas, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Seattle, Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, South New Jersey, Brooklyn and more! 


Visit: https://www.bettervet.com/

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Email: hello@welcomewagon.com and put “Referral” in the subject line and tell us who you are referring and you will be entered to win the gift card.
