Wagon News May 2022

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Did you know? We have 2 new products catering to the pre-mover!

Image courtesy of rawpixel

Back in January we launched a local pre-mover postcard program. The postcard goes out to people/families who just listed their home for sale and they are about 4 – 6 weeks out from their move. They need services for their current home as well as the new home they are moving to. In our research we have learned that people want options, especially before they move so this program offers limited availability by business category.

Last month in April, we launched the national pre-mover insert program. This group of recipients consists of people/families who just listed their home for sale, and they are about 4 – 6 weeks out from their move. Also, included are pre-movers who have a contract on a new home, we know their closing date as well as their “move to” address and are 3 – 4 weeks out from their move. For the national program, we are using a 50/50 split of these two groups.

Pre-movers want to hook up their internet, phone, cable or satellite tv, security systems, etc. They need movers, packers, junk removal, handyman, storage, cleaning services, landscaping, paint, remodel, locksmith, and more. They need to know where their new grocery store is and what is around them. They also need professional services such as homeowners’ insurance, mortgage companies, real estate attorneys, home inspectors, etc.

Many types of businesses and professionals can benefit from reaching pre-movers at a crucial point in their pre and post moves. Timing is important so we are doing weekly mailings, so we are reaching them quickly when they are making decisions.

If you would like to learn more, please email jennifer.troyan@welcomewagon.com.

Check out this post on free marketing strategies!

Good Works in the Community

By Jennifer Troyan

Photo courtesy of Jennifer Troyan

For May, we are featuring a wonderful organization called Global Tree Initiative.

Their motto is: Plant your Tree. Grow our Forest. Save their Future.

As their website says, “We are a global community of concerned citizens.  We invite you to join us in this life-generating activity. Working as a harmonious whole, we can accomplish more than we can when working alone. Together we can create a world where people are conscious, wise, warm-hearted, and peaceful; a world where people respect and live in harmony with animals and the environment.”

Global Tree Initiative invites people to get involved. You can volunteer with them, and you can plant trees or sponsor tree plantings. The fun part is you can report tree plantings and see their global map. Then you can see your trees and everyone else’s trees planted all over the world. 869,871 trees have been planted in 53 Countries!

Image courtesy of Global Tree Initiative’s website

This is truly a global community of amazing people. There are lots of ways to get involved and help. You can volunteer with them and be a part of their team. Everyone works together and are of all ages, levels of education and skills. For example, I am a part of their social media team and contribute a monthly blog post as well. It is so much fun to give my time offering business services. Most of the staff are volunteers, and it is neat to see so many people contributing to this organization and I think it is rare to see that.

Plant a tree or have trees planted. There are so many ways to give. We want our planet to be healthy and well, for us all, humans, animals, plants, trees, flowers, oceans, and waterways and of course, our air.

Check them out: https://plantgrowsave.org/

Fun Cartoon for You

Enjoy this moment and smile. Cartoon is courtesy of Breakthrough Visuals.

Sometimes you can see how history repeats itself (at least in this funny cartoon).

Business Spotlight

We are proud to feature our partners of the Jewish Community Centers. Founded in 1854 by Dr. Aaron Friedenwald as the Hebrew Young Men’s Literary Association in Baltimore, Maryland to provide support for Jewish immigrants who were moving into the city at that time. They grew quickly to many locations in 1951 the organization was officially renamed as the Jewish Community Center (JCC). With continued expansion, the JCC now includes over 350 locations in the United States, 50 locations in Europe, 70 locations in Latin America and other countries worldwide.

JCC’s offer a wide range of services and resources depending on the community needs. With an estimate of over 2 million families and individuals, the services include, but are not limited to, athletic, social benevolence, educational & recreational activities. They focus on serving the overall spiritual, intellectual & physical welfare of its members at every stage of their life.  They welcome each person as a valued member of the community regardless of their faith background.

The value and importance of Community Centers in our communities across the Country is outstanding. Places for neighbors and families to enjoy the many programs offered by these facilities, where adults and children can make new friends, gather, learn and play some healthy activities. JCC’s encourage people to thrive! This is an excellent way to be a part of a great organization.

We want to shout out to some of our partners across the U.S., such as the Mid Island Y JCC (Plainview, NY), the Siegel JCC (Wilmington, DE), the Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA). Special mention to our newest partner, Shaw JCC of Akron (OH) who just signed on with us and a BIG THANK YOU to our long-term partner (of over 20 years!), Sid Jacobson JCC in New York.

See what they are all about: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jewish-Community-Centers-of-North-America-JCCs/313878881955855

Make a Referral and be

Refer a business to Welcome Wagon and be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card

Email: hello@welcomewagon.com and put “Referral” in the subject line and tell us who you are referring and you will be entered to win the gift card.
