Wagon News March 2022

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20 Authentic Compliments to Make Someone’s Day

Article from Grammarly blog January 20, 2022 (This article was originally written in 2020 by Kelly Konya. It’s been updated to include new information).

Making a passing compliment might seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but science proves that genuine praise can indeed have a powerful effect. 

According to recent studies published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, participants reported feeling happier and more flattered than expected after receiving a compliment. Compliment-givers also reported being in a better mood after saying something kind to someone.

Nice commentary, when too general, remains just that—nice. While there’s nothing wrong with that, more attentive compliments can make people feel seen and appreciated for who they are. If you want your compliment to carry more weight, go the extra mile to make authentic statements that communicate added nuance and care. 

If you want to make someone’s day, here are some meaningful compliments for everyone in your life. Keep in mind that while some scenarios below might specifically target a significant other or relative, you can reframe the compliment to be relevant to someone else. 

For friends

  • “Your perspective on life makes me want to live more thoughtfully.” This statement tells your friend that you admire how they carry themselves through life. For example, they might choose to see the silver lining in difficult situations or be mindful about setting boundaries at work.
  • “You deliver jokes so well—I love how you hit the perfect tone and expression every time.” Having a sense of humor that lands in just the right way is hard to nail. Complimenting a friend’s comedic delivery acknowledges a specific and rare trait.
  • “I admire your determination when you strongly believe in something.” It’s easier to relent when your beliefs don’t align with others. Recognizing a friend’s tenacity communicates that you admire their persistence and strong ethos.

For significant others

  • “I feel heard and seen when we have difficult conversations.” In the heat of the moment, holding space for one’s partner can be challenging. This compliment acknowledges your S.O.’s effort and empathy.
  • “I appreciate your patience with helping my dad troubleshoot his phone during the holiday party.”  Playing the IT wizard might not be your partner’s idea of celebrating an event. Acknowledging their patience in this untimely situation shows how much you value their time. Of course, you can substitute any scenario in which your partner helped someone to show your admiration of their selflessness.
  • “I love your reassurance when things don’t go as planned. It helps me feel less stressed and confident that we can figure it out together. Uncertainty can lead to feelings such as fear, worry, stress, or isolation. This compliment shows your partner how their attitude soothes you.
  • “I feel safe being vulnerable with you.” Cultivating a safe space in your relationship is an ongoing process. Sharing that your partner encourages you to be unguarded about your feelings acknowledges the work they’ve put into the relationship and the trust you’ve built together thus far.

For family members

  • “I learned how to be a good person by watching how you treat others.” This compliment, whether you’re giving it to a parent or close family member, is effective because it’s specific in the how and validates them as a role model.
  • “Your warm energy brings this family together.” Some relatives exude the spirit of the family unit. Sharing the effect their energy or attitude produces (i.e., bringing the family together) adds context to this heartfelt compliment.
  • “I appreciate that you’re tactful when I need to hear hard truths.” Sometimes family members see closeness as an invitation to force their blunt (sometimes hurtful) opinion on you. This compliment demonstrates that you value their honesty and their considerate approach.

For kids

  • “I notice how hard you’re trying!” This compliment is referred to as “process praise” and offers more meaningful feedback beyond general encouragement. It shows kids that you see their effort and can provide added motivation for them to continue along that path.
  • “Your creative ideas put a smile on my face.” Children have a natural curiosity as they grow and learn more about the world around them. Sharing that their sense of wonder delights you heartens them to explore their ideas more.
  • “You’re so thoughtful for sharing your toys with your sibling. I love your generosity.”   This is an effective compliment for kids because you’re praising them about specific behavior and decisions they can control, and it also provides positive reinforcement.
  • “I hadn’t thought of it that way. You’ve given me something new to think about today.” Acknowledging that they taught you something new shows kids that they are capable critical thinkers and add value to their worlds.

For colleagues

  • “I really admired how you handled that difficult situation. You were so poised and level-headed.” This compliment might come up with a difficult customer, a challenging presentation, or other tough scenarios. Complimenting a coworker this way shows empathy while commending their even-keeled demeanor.   
  • “I appreciate that you step up for the team without being asked. You’ve personally saved me a lot of anxiety when _______.”  Let’s say you had to call out sick on the day of a big presentation, and a colleague offered to fill in your part of the PowerPoint. This compliment shares how you see them as a reliable teammate supported by a specific example while offering gratitude for their thoughtfulness.
  • “I enjoy hearing your comments and questions at meetings. It really pushes us to think deeper about the project.” A compliment like this shows your colleague that you actively listen to their ideas and are driven by their insight.

For strangers

  • “How you styled _____ with _____ is so fresh. You’re radiating confidence!”  Since you likely don’t know much about a stranger, commenting on their unique fashion sense can be a sincere compliment. 
  • “Your laugh is infectious. It made me instantly smile.” Of course, context matters here in that this compliment is only authentic if the stranger actually laughed aloud within earshot. Sharing that their laugh elicited joy in you might be just the thing that makes their day. 
  • “You have great taste in ______.” This compliment might be appropriate if you see a stranger with a stack of well-curated books, notice that stickers on their laptop are all of your favorite bands, or see they just ordered your exact custom concoction at the coffee shop. It’s a quick, simple nod that you two share a commonality.

Good Works in the Community

This month, our Good Works in the Community features a cause that is close to the hearts of some within our company.

Founded by parents determined to find a cure for their children with T1D in 1970, over the past 51 years, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) has become the largest private funder of diabetes research worldwide. Funding $2.5 billion in research since its inception, JDRF has made significant progress in understanding, fighting, and treating the disease.

JDRF shares, Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease in which a person’s pancreas stops producing insulin, a hormone people need to get energy from food. T1D strikes both children and adults, and its onset has nothing to do with diet or lifestyle. There is currently nothing you can do to prevent it, and there is no cure.

JDRF’s mission is to improve lives today and tomorrow by accelerating life-changing breakthroughs to cure, prevent and treat T1D and its complications.






What is JDRF One Walk®?

The JDRF One Walk is your chance to show the world that together, we can conquer type 1 diabetes (T1D). If you’re living with T1D or you love someone living with T1D, you’ll likely do just about anything to make life easier. Now you can be a part of the largest T1D event in the world, no matter where you are. Your One Walk will power more research, enable more advocacy and fund more support for the 1.6 million Americans living with T1D. By joining the JDRF One Walk, you’ll be part of the lasting footprint we’ll make for the T1D community now, and for generations to come.

JDRF has an event coming up that you can participate in and/or sponsor on May 21st at the University of North Florida at Hodges Stadium. Go to walk.jdrf.org

There are other events in other States so check the above link out to find out how you can participate. Of course, you can just donate to support the cause if you aren’t able to attend an event.

Fun Cartoon for You

This month’s cartoon is courtesy of Breakthrough Visuals. We hope it makes you smile.

Business Spotlight

We are delighted to feature Grove Collaborative as our Business Spotlight this month. They have been in business since 2014 and in 2016 they rebranded as Grove Collaborative (a.k.a. Grove) so they could shift focus to the wellbeing of the entire household.

We are honored to recommend this amazing company to the new movers across America. The work they are doing is beneficial to the entire world. Read on and see what we are talking about…

Grove was started by 3 friends in San Francisco who saw the devastating effects of plastics to the environment and believed that we could do better. They believe that sustainability is the only way to move forward and, as of today, have over 150 sustainable products that meet their 4-point standard: uncompromisingly healthy, beautifully effective, ethically produced, and cruelty-free.

Currently, they have over 2 million+ customers nationwide. Later this year (Q2) they will be going public which will increase product and market expansion. Every order placed is carbon neutral with an equal amount of plastic being removed from our oceans to offset the impact of single-use plastics. As a certified B Corporation, they are renowned for being one of the leading companies at the forefront of improving the lives of people, animals, communities, and the entire planet. Each part of the supply chain is ethically and sustainably resourced and shipped using environmentally friendly packaging. Since January 2020, orders have removed over 7 million pounds of plastic! And this is just the start….

With their Beyond Plastic initiative, they plan to be 100% plastic-free by 2025.  The first step is by being the first plastic neutral retailer in the world and working with several global business partners to accomplish this goal. The second step is to work diligently with over 70 industry-leading brands (such as Tom’s and Seventh Generation as well as many others) to implement environmentally friendly policies and make innovations to existing products. The third step is to have everyone think differently about single-use plastics and how they can support products that are plastic-free. So far, they have launched 57 new products such as bar shampoos and laundry detergent as sheets instead of single-use plastic bottles.

As a company, they also support other community improvement projects. Such as contributing to a local food bank during the holidays, and they also have donated cleaning supplies and hand sanitizers to local public schools since the onset of Covid-19 allowing children to go back to school as normal.

Growth Marketing Manager Taylor Piroeva, shared about our service so far, “Amity at Welcome Wagon has been a pleasure to work with. Her years of experience shine through with her responsiveness and friendly demeanor. Grove’s first insert campaign was in Q122, and the setup was seamless. I am looking forward to seeing the full results!”

Visit Grove for a FREE STARTER SET (worth up to $50), PLUS FREE SHIPPING on your first order.

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Refer a business to Welcome Wagon and be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card

Email: hello@welcomewagon.com and put “Referral” in the subject line and tell us who you are referring and you will be entered to win the gift card.
