Wagon News July 2022

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Happy Fourth of July!

Fourth of Juky

By Jennifer Troyan

The Fourth of July is a time for fireworks, barbeques, fun in the sun and family get togethers. It’s the perfect time to celebrate the day that we became our own nation and to celebrate all the great things we have achieved up to now as we look to the future.

What are you celebrating this month? Do you have plans for your business this summer? What sparks you? It’s a perfect time to reflect on business and life and see what we can all improve on.

There are ups and downs in business and in life. This newsletter may give you some added tools to do some small and big things that make a difference. One idea, people love working with companies that are involved in their communities and as you will see in our Good Works in the Community segments, there are many opportunities to do so.

Often, the businesses we feature in our Business Spotlights each month share the things they do as a company. This may give you some ideas as well.

Our blog posts share some ideas to grow your business in easy and often inexpensive ways. The very nature of our company is about helping people and connecting businesses with the new movers of America. We like to extend our expertise in helping all of us achieve success. Feel free to reach out to us for help. Let’s make a difference together.

If you have any great ideas you’d like to share, let us know what they are. We can feature them in next month’s newsletter.

Email me at Jennifer.troyan@welcomewagon.com and put “ideas” in the subject line.

In the meantime, enjoy your 4th of July and the freedoms we have, to do and be who we chose. There is much to be grateful for!

Insights Into the Pre-Movers of America

Premover Marketing
Image courtesy of rawpixel

We wanted to share some information provided in a recent Harris Poll conducted last year regarding people moving in America. This is a summary from that report:


According to U.S. Census data, almost 30 million people moved in 2020, and this trend seems to be continuing, with 2021 marking a year for a massive influx of first-time home buyers. The Porch 2021 New Mover Trends Report, conducted by Porch’s business V12 with research performed by the Harris Group, delves into the profile of today’s modern mover and their purchase behaviors.


The move is one of the most economically impactful life triggers. With more than $8,000 on average spent per move, movers are purchasing goods and services across numerous categories, many of these items before the move even occurs. With multiple purchase decisions consumers have to make, movers often have a permission to buy mentality, making this audience an extremely valuable opportunity brands simply can’t afford to ignore.


Movers are also extremely open to trying to new brands and services. According to the research, 90% of movers say they would try a new brand or company for any item and 88% say they would try a new provider for any service. As a result, brands have a tremendous opportunity to engage in customer acquisition while also implementing customer retention strategies.


The most important part of engaging with new movers is being able to effectively reach them where they are in their mover journeys. Movers are purchasing items and services for their new homes up to twelve months after the move, however our survey uncovered that many movers are making purchases well in advance of their move. In fact, 64% of movers research and make purchases for items prior to moving and 53% change service providers service prior to moving. As a result, brands should be actively engaging with movers throughout the entire move process, beginning as soon as a consumer is signaling pre-move behaviors.


We have a postcard program to reach the pre-movers so we can help you get in front of this valuable audience.

Check out this post on free marketing strategies!

Good Works in the Community

By Jennifer Troyan

Angels of the Americas Fallen
Images courtesy of rawpixel

This month we are featuring an organization that is near and dear to one of our Community Marketing Executives in Rhode Island. They are called Angels of America’s Fallen (AoAF).


According to their website, which best explains what they do:

“Angels of America’s Fallen is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded by a retired Lt Col with 25 years of service as an enlisted Army field, artillery canon crewman, a Marine Corps fighter pilot, and an Air Force Reconnaissance pilot. He created Angels of America’s Fallen in 2012 to address a gap in support he saw for the children of his fallen friends in all branches of the military and first responders. There was no program providing opportunities for the children to be engaged in healthy activities the entire year, with long term support every year of their childhood, in between initial grief counseling and scholarships once they became adults. Angels of America’s Fallen was designed to offer positive outlets for the children’s grief during the entire period of these most crucial developmental years. Our staff and board consist of individuals with a passion to help the children in the most impactful way we know. That is to provide them an opportunity, not a handout or a gift, but a chance to invest in themselves and pursue healthy activities during their entire childhood.”


There are a few ways in which you can support them – by financial donation, volunteering and/or participating in their events to help the children and families of our most precious resource, our fellow Americans.


AoAF empowers children into young adulthood helping them to heal and thrive. Check them out: https://aoafallen.org/

Business Spotlight


Hospitals in the United States developed from charity almshouses for the poor in the mid-18th century. As communities grew there was an increased need to house the chronically ill & disabled population. In 1736, one of the first to open was the New York City Almshouse which eventually became known as Bellevue Hospital. In 1829, the Regional Medical Center in Memphis, TN opened to the public and is currently one of the oldest hospitals still in operation in the United States.

doctors treating patients

Throughout the United States, there are mainly three kinds of hospitals: Public, Private and Specialty Hospitals. Public hospitals are partially funded by the local city/town, they usually accept all types of insurance, are generally more affordable, and are typically larger to accommodate more patients. Private hospitals are usually smaller, work with particular insurance companies, tend to be more privately funded and offer more personalized and specialty care per patient. Specialty hospitals are facilities that provide specialized diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation services for specific needs and tend to be smaller institutions.

Over the years, like other industries, most hospitals have grown to serve the needs of their communities. They lead the way in medical advancements and collaborate with the best medical schools to develop the most qualified physicians, surgeons, and nurses.  Many hospitals have become the cornerstone of their communities and play a vital role in the economic strength and social welfare of the local population by providing both employment and health resources to the community at large.

Image of group of doctors

It is especially important for new movers to know where the hospitals are in their new communities so they can seek essential healthcare. We all need Hospitals and with so many choices out there, we are proud to recommend some great ones.

We would like to shout out our partners across the U.S., some of which have been with us for many years all the way to brand new partners. Organizations such as: Bond Clinic, Elite Care Health Center and Florida Medical Group (FL), Bristol Hospital (CT), St. Joseph’s Hospital, Northern Westchester Hospital and Sesame Care (NY), Watertown Regional Center (WI), Olmsted Medical Center (MN), Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Cleveland Clinic (OH), and Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, Facey Medical Group and St. Joseph Health (CA).

Make a Referral and be

Refer a business to Welcome Wagon and be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card

Email: hello@welcomewagon.com and put “Referral” in the subject line and tell us who you are referring and you will be entered to win the gift card.
