Wagon News January 2022

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Cheers to New Beginnings!

By Amy Smith

Happy New Year! More than any other day, New Year’s Day is psychologically important and significant to people throughout the world.  It makes the attainment of happiness more real and possible, and often includes a feast of foods to symbolize health, luck, and prosperity.



According to Trafalgar.com, the first New Year’s Resolutions date back over 4000 years ago to ancient Babylon.  The Babylonians are said to have started the tradition during Akitu, a 12-day New Year celebration.   During the Akitu festival, the ancient Babylonians would plant crops, crown a new king (or pledge their loyalty to the reigning king) and make promises to gods to pay their debts and return any borrower items.  They believed that if they kept their word, the gods would look favorably on them for the year ahead.  If the Babylonians broke their promises, they would fall on the bad side of the gods. 


For us, the New Year is that time of year when we make resolutions that can bring more inner peace and overall well-being.  Simply put, it is the change that you want to get into your lifestyle or habits to lead a better life.  Common New Year’s Resolutions include self-care, such as asking for what you need, setting boundaries, taking a step back and putting yourself first.  How about valuing and saving money? Time literally is money-the time value of money you have now is not the same as it will be years from now and vice versa.  How about surrounding yourself with good people? Healthy and supportive relationships are critical to self-care.  And your home– a living environment can have a significant impact on someone’s life.  One of the most common New Year’s Resolutions is to get enough sleep.  This five-letter word is important for energy, avoiding weight gain, lowering the risk of heart disease, and reducing stress.  



Not only do New Year’s Resolutions impact our life at home, but they also impact our professional lives.  Rather than having self-care be something outside of work, weaving them into your work-life can be very beneficial.  According to calm.com, work is invariably intertwined with our life routines.  We spend roughly a third of our lives at work, so shelving self-care for “later” just won’t cut it anymore.  And, we’re already seeing the result of this, as burnout has become a growing problem.  Self-care alone won’t solve burnout, but having it recognized as a priority within your organization can make a huge difference when it comes to building happier, more sustainable workday routines for you or your employees.


In summary, since we counted down the final seconds into 2022, let’s celebrate our successes in 2021. Let’s have a ‘walking” meeting and not eat lunch at our desk.  Let’s set boundaries around our time and take a minute to log-off and take a deep breath.  Let’s create our own personal self-care plan.  Cheers to a happy, healthy, and successful 2022! 

View From My (Your) Window – Part 2

By Jennifer Troyan

In our November edition of The Wagon News, we did a piece titled “View From My (Your) Window.”

I mentioned:

Have you seen the various Facebook pages created sharing the “View From My Window?”

We love this so we are sharing the view from our window, at our corporate office in Coral Springs, Florida.

I asked people to share their “View” and we received a lot of submissions. It’s nice to see where other people are coming from. Some even shared an inspiring view from a vacation they took; images that continue to inspire.

We are happy to share these images with you. May you find inspiration as well.

The image that started the inspiration for this article:

This view is outside Welcome Wagon’s Corporate Office in Coral Springs, FL (South Florida). There is a little nature preserve so when we leave work at the end of the day, we are greeted with all kinds of birds flying and chattering with each other, coming in to rest for the night. It is a magical time.

Picture Locations:

Row 1 (L-R): Boca Raton, FL, Tamarac, FL, The Villages, FL

Row 2 (L-R): Phoenix, AZ, Franklin, TN, St. Augustine, FL (Bridge of Lyons)

Row 3 (L-R): Highlands of Iceland (Katla Volcano), Boone, NC

Row 4 (L-R): Phoenix, AZ, Kauai, HI (Kilauea Point Lighthouse), Corona del Mar, CA

Thank you to everyone who submitted these photos!

Good Works in the Community

This month’s Good Works in the Community comes from our rep in Phoenix, AZ, Tisha Morgan.


For the last five years, Tisha, her friends & neighbors have come together to spread joy to the senior citizens who need it most in their community. They fill holiday bags with various items to bless everyone at the Christian Care Senior Center. Most of these seniors are not visited frequently and are on an extremely fixed income which does not leave room for any extras.


The last two years with Covid-19, the need has grown even more. The seniors are very happy to see them and grateful for everything they do. Tisha mentioned this is one of her favorite community outreaches and it a fun family activity where they go door to door singing Christmas carols and hand out over 100 bags to all the seniors at the home. The group feels strongly that they are ones being blessed by the seniors and can’t wait to do it again each year!


We salute you Tisha, for making a difference in your community.

Fun Cartoon for You

Business Spotlight

We are honored to feature SmileDirectClub (SDC) as our Business Spotlight. They have been in business since 2014 and operate throughout the U.S. with over 1.5 million satisfied clients and counting.


Their research indicates that 60% of Counties across the country do not have a local Orthodontist. SDC was founded to meet the increasing need. They have created a more accessible and affordable way for people to have a beautiful and healthy smile through Telehealth. SmileDirect uses A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) to generate a smarter and more precise personalized plan for each person, making it more affordable than other options in the market today.


They have three ways to join: online, visit a SmileShop, or visit an affiliate partner location. Many clients also use the SmileDirect App which helps you keep track of your personalized plan.


Did you know that SDC operates from the third largest 3D printing facility in the United States? In partnership with Hewlett Packard®, 3D printing is used to make your aligners. And what do you do with used aligners? This is where their Smiles to Miles program shines. They recycle used aligners to make plastic pellets which are used for parts in Ford trucks!! This makes your smiles and miles more sustainable and environmentally friendly than ever before!


SDC is also aware of their community needs both locally and globally. They have partnered with the NAACP® to fund a scholarship for the next generation of Orthodontists. They have also committed to donating 20K units of oral care products to the IRC (International Rescue Committee) who cares for refugees.


SmileDirectClub is committed to the wellbeing of their community and believes that unlocking a person’s smile goes a long way.


Visit: https://smiledirectclub.com/

Make a Referral and be

Refer a business to Welcome Wagon and be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card

Email: hello@welcomewagon.com and put “Referral” in the subject line and tell us who you are referring and you will be entered to win the gift card.
