Wagon News August 2021

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7 in 10 Americans Agree That 2020 Made Them a Better Person – Here’s How

Article Excerpted from Good News Network

According to a new survey, 74% of Americans say 2020 has made them more aware of the needs of others—and more selfless than ever before.

A poll of 2,005 Americans revealed that since March 2020, people are more often embracing the idea of neighborly love. Some examples include:

87% of Americans have donated a portion of their paycheck, even though three in five experienced financial difficulties.

41% have helped a stranger across the street. 38% have gone out of their way to take out their neighbor’s trash, and 31% have walked their neighbor’s dog.

And, for those who live in snowy climates, one-third have shoveled out a neighbor’s car in the past year.

In general, seventy-two percent said they found themselves caring about the health and well-being of others significantly more in the past year.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Eyes of Hope, the charitable arm of VSP Global, aimed to discover how people are dealing with the impacts of the pandemic.

“It’s been incredibly meaningful to see how the challenges of the last year have caused us to care even more for each other,” stated Pat McNeil, a spokesperson for VSP Eyes of Hope.

“This study validates what we’ve been hearing from our employees and charitable partners: people are looking to better the lives of others and their communities because they envision a greater purpose after such a devastating year.”

Ultimately, while 2020 has been a difficult year for many, it’s heartening to hear that the experience has made a large majority a better person overall.

Follow Up to the Summer Fun Pet Photo Contest

By Jennifer Troyan

Fiona was our GOLD MEDAL winner from our Summer Fun Pet Photo Contest. This update is to share a little bit about her and the $100 donation to the pet-related charity her family chose.

Fiona lives in Tucson, AZ with her Mom Cathy Taylor. Fiona is 10 years old and as Cathy shared, “She is about 10 years old. I adopted her in January when her owner passed away. She rescued me as much as I rescued her. She is such a love.” How sweet!

The charity they chose is  Pima Animal Care Center (in Tucson, AZ). Fiona’s family told us they love this organization and have gotten other pets from them and that they are great in the community, helping animals and families connect.

Where do I redeem this offer?

By Philip Salvagni

Effective advertising is made up of various elements and today we will focus on the Contact Info & Logo!

A beautiful and effective ad has been created, congratulations! Now the consumer is ready to utilize the offer! They scan the ad but don’t see a logo or an address, uh oh – where do they go?!

We avoid situations like these by ensuring the business name, logo, and contact information are in the ad and legible. The opportunity of gaining potential customers could be wasted if they are left wondering where they are supposed to go.

Stay tuned next month for when we take a look at the final element that makes up an effective ad.


This is part of the Design article series, part 5 of 6.

National Welcome Wagon Holiday!

We created a National Welcome Wagon holiday on Friday, July 23, 2021, especially for our clients, to say thank you for your business and we love representing you. It is called, “You’re the Best Day!”

We appreciate you and thank you for giving us wonderful businesses to recommend to the new movers across America!

Business Spotlight

This month we are featuring a wonderful new client called Valley Ranch Dental Associates in Irving, TX.

They are all about helping patients live healthier lives. Stephen Sung, DDS provides the highest level of care in all aspects of general, cosmetic, and family dentistry and can literally redesign your smile.

Dr. Stephen Sung graduated from Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas. He recently moved to the Arlington area with his wife and dog, who they adopted during the pandemic. He enjoys doing dentistry while his focus and priority are connecting with the patients and putting their needs first. He looks forward to meeting and getting to know everyone!

What a great practice, in a beautiful area, plus we love their logo! Valley Ranch Dental Associates thrives on helping patients and educating them to have optimal oral health. A smile goes a long way, and they are happy to make yours the best!

Visit https://www.visitvalleyranch.com/

Make a Referral and be

Refer a business to Welcome Wagon and be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card

Email: hello@welcomewagon.com and put “Referral” in the subject line and tell us who you are referring and you will be entered to win the gift card.
