Wagon News April 2022

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Hello Spring…It’s Time for Cleaning!

By Amy Smith

Ah, Springtime. The time of year when flowers are budding, birds are chirping, and warmer winds are blowing.  It’s also a time when people purge their houses of dirt, dust, and debris…aka spring cleaning.  Opening windows, cleaning your carpets, disinfecting doorknobs, light switches, and cabinet handles, replacing your battery in your smoke detector, and purging items from an over-crowded closet are all common spring cleaning tasks.

Did you know that 54% of Americans are completely and utterly overwhelmed by the amount of clutter in their lives? It’s that magical time of year to reassess what needs to go and reorganize what’s staying.  But this challenge is not just about cleaning your home; it’s about cleaning your life.  The trees have shed their leaves and are growing brand new buds, so why shouldn’t we?  According to theeverygirl.com; “Cleansing your life isn’t just about detoxing the habits, practices, and clutter that don’t make you feel like your best self; it’s just as much about replenishing with whatever makes you happy, healthy, and whole.   The purpose of this cleanse is to gain awareness about how your daily habits and environment are affecting you so that you can make room for your best possible life.”

But spring cleaning doesn’t JUST apply to our personal life and our homes anymore.  Business owners can also take advantage of this wonderful time of the year to get organized and make improvements by spring cleaning their business.  Deep cleaning your books, spiffing up your website, setting up new ways to sell, getting rid of all that paper, optimizing your shipping, emptying your inbox, decluttering your computer(s) and purging unneeded files, and of course, disinfecting the employee refrigerator area are just a few of the ways business owners shake the dust loose and examine routines that have become habitual. 

So, take the first step!  Starting, of course, can be the hardest part.  But once we can get past the starting point, it becomes easier to get a task completed.  And when we take care of something or accomplish a task well, it produces feelings of satisfaction and makes us feel effective and more likely to face other challenges.  Let’s Spring into action together and get excited for great opportunities ahead and watch our hard work bloom into continued success. 

Good Works in the Community

By Jennifer Troyan

We saw this quote from Author James Clear’s newsletter and wanted to share it:

“Charity can be a lifestyle, not merely a gift.

Read charitably. Give the author your most favorable interpretation.

Listen charitably. Donate your undivided attention.

Work charitably. Be generous with your expertise.

In this way, you make charity a daily habit.”

This is a nice suggestion – making charity a lifestyle. Being chartable in your work and in listening to people. We hope this inspires you! It sure did inspire us!

Here’s another quote we like:

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

~ Winston Churchill

Do you volunteer your time or participate in community events that help your community or abroad? Are you fundraising for something?

We welcome anyone to share their Good Works in the Community with us. Let us help bring attention and awareness to your cause. 

Email Jennifer.troyan@welcomewagon.com and share your story. Please put “Good Works” in the subject line.

Fun Cartoon for You

This month’s cartoon is courtesy of Breakthrough Visuals. We hope it makes you smile.

In the spirit of April Fool’s and being silly, we thought this was a funny one!

Business Spotlight

We are proud to feature IDIQ® as our Business Spotlight. Founded in 2009 by Mikol Sesker, she felt the industry needed to give secure, yet easy access to credit data to everyone. Since then, the company has grown to over 230 employees and continues to look forward to a bright future.

IDIQ features the IdentityIQ® and MyScoreIQ® brands that deliver identity theft protection, credit report information, and education that benefits consumers and businesses.

For the last two years, IDIQ® has been named to the Inc. 5000 List as one of the fastest-growing companies in the United States.

The company has offices in California, Nevada, Texas, Illinois, and Florida. The main campus in Temecula, CA, features a game room for all employees which, studies show, increases employee morale and overall company productivity.

Did you know that 1 in 4 Americans have reported identity theft?  With so much of our lives lived online and many companies going through data breaches, it is more important than ever to protect your identity from those who would love to have it.

Identity-IQ®, the IDIQ flagship brand, provides industry-leading services that help you protect your digital life and identity with fast fraud alerts from all three major credit bureaus and dark web monitoring, anti-virus software, and secure online browsing. One of their key partnerships to help establish their clients’ complete protection is with Bitdefender®. This provides device security and online protection, including a personal firewall that helps prevent hackers from accessing your webcam and microphone as well help protect against email phishing scams.

Recently IDIQ® has partnered with the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce to sponsor several community events. They have many employees that volunteer at local food banks and other community events and organizations throughout the year. They also serve as a collection center for a toy drive each year during each holiday season, helping to serve the community as much as possible.

Another upcoming program called Identity-IQ® To the Rescue aims to help identity theft victims restore their identities and make them whole if they have monetary loss as well as provide them a free year of industry-leading identity theft and credit report monitoring protection.

Right now, they have a SPECIAL OFFER: 7 Days for $1, then 15% Off Your First Year: www.IdentityIQ.com/wagon

Make a Referral and be

Refer a business to Welcome Wagon and be entered into a drawing to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card

Email: hello@welcomewagon.com and put “Referral” in the subject line and tell us who you are referring and you will be entered to win the gift card.
