How Small Businesses Compete with Major Corporations

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The owners of small and local firms are well aware that their rivals come from various industries and sizes. Big-name companies have a local presence in most American cities and towns, so you’ll have to go up against other independent businesses and national chains with much larger marketing expenditures and more widely recognized brands. There is a real danger of these larger enterprises smothering out smaller ones in both the physical and virtual realms. Although it may feel like you’re up against it all, small firms have many benefits over their larger rivals. Suppose you’re wondering how you’ve come to the right place. We’ve asked marketing experts and found out how small businesses can compete with major corporations. Now let’s get your business out there!

Tips that can help small businesses compete with major corporations

Most of us are familiar with the most well-known companies in our respective industries. For example, everyone is aware of Google, Facebook, and Microsoft in technology. Starbucks is the gold standard among coffee houses. McDonald’s, Burger King, and Kentucky Fried Chicken are the three major fast food chains. So, how did these corporations become so powerful? Is it just a myth that small businesses can compete with major corporations?

Woman wearing an apron standing in front of a blue door and holding a sign that says,
Small businesses can compete with major corporations by employing tried and true strategies.

We’re here to tell you that it isn’t a myth. There are proven methods to help your small business stand among the competition and go hand-in-hand with major corporations. You’ll find 7 of them further in this article.

#1 Know your audience

The first thing to do, regardless of your business size, is to learn about your customers. It’s crucial to know how to avoid targeting the wrong audience, as that could waste your time and money. When you’re a small company, you can target a narrow audience with greater efficiency than a large corporation that has to appeal to a broad cross-section of consumers.

Therefore, it’s crucial to learn more about your customers so you can tailor your marketing efforts to meet their specific needs. To maximize your marketing efforts, consider segmenting your target demographic in several distinct ways. The result might be a more significant internet following and more paying clients. For example, you can use Facebook’s lookalike audience targeting to reach people with characteristics of your current clientele. These people are more likely to be interested in your products or services.

#2 Establish a strong digital presence

In the past, spreading awareness of a brand required investing heavily in expensive forms of conventional advertising. However, in the modern era, many options cost little to nothing to attract new customers.

Increase your online presence, connect with customers where they are on different platforms, and give your brand a voice and personality through organic social media marketing. If you’re uncomfortable with doing this on your own, you can always reach out to social media marketing experts and have them do this for you. It’s an investment that will pay off in so many ways.

Different social media icons with a black background
There are plenty of tools and platforms you can even use for free to advertise your small business.

You can expand your customer base and save money by using digital marketing strategies like Facebook ads and pay-per-click ads instead of traditional promotion methods like TV and radio. In addition, using data and analytics tools, you may still use time-tested channels like print ads and personalized direct mail by targeting your messages to the most relevant demographics.

#3 Test out different marketing trends

With a smaller team and fewer processes, a small business can be more flexible regarding marketing strategy—perhaps even testing out new trends before the big guys can convince their CMO to approve their budget. Although small businesses may lack the resources to implement revolutionary new ideas, they do have the advantage of being able to test and refine their approaches rapidly. Your company can gain a competitive advantage through innovation if it has fewer bureaucratic hurdles and a single hub from which to generate ideas and put them into action.

#4 Cultivate a solid brand image for your company

Just because a company is large doesn’t mean it commands respect. A lot of big companies flounder around the country with an average profile. On the other hand, there are a lot of tiny businesses out there that are incredibly well-known in their area.

An established local reputation can help a small firm thrive in ways that a larger company might not be able to match. Therefore, invest some time and energy into improving your company’s online reputation by soliciting customer input, accumulating more reviews, replying to all reviews, and seeking new ways to expand your current success.

#5 Gather feedback from your customers

Your customers can provide valuable feedback on improving your business if you’re actively striving to provide a positive customer experience and manage your internet reputation. If you aren’t already getting this kind of input, you should ask your most devoted consumers for suggestions on enhancing your business.

Starting from that point, you can institute new methods to help your company flourish. What differentiates you from large brands that cannot easily tap into customer input and make significant changes quickly and efficiently? By showing your customers that you care about their experience and feedback, you’ll not only be able to retain your current ones but, as good word travel fast, you’ll be quickly seeing the number of your customers rising.

#6 Focus on delivering excellent customer service

As a small business owner, you may build a better, more meaningful connection with your clientele. Providing excellent customer service is as essential as the quality of your goods or services. As much as 90% of consumers will not do business with a company because of poor customer service.

Photo of customer service agents wearing headphones
Great customer service is the key to retaining your customer and attracting new ones.

Relationships and experiences, not just products, are what customers value and seek. Customers will prioritize you above the big company if they know you can offer them a personal connection they won’t get anywhere else. That is true, even if it means they’d be paying a higher price.

The bottom line

Now that you know how small businesses can compete with major corporations, it’s time to get to work. The strategies we’ve listed in this article should be more than enough to help you successfully run your business. But to get the best results, reach out to marketing pros who’ll assist you throughout your journey to success and help you grow your customer base in no time.
